Frequently asked questions
How do I become a member?
How do I place an order? You can access the vendor list after logging into your dashboard
How do I pay for my orders? Please read the order and payment details for each vendor before placing an order. You are responsible for adhering to the instructions.
How do I receive my discount?
What vendors do we work with? (Keep scrolling down for vendors that offer discounts) Legend: A- Cabinet hardware B- Blinds, Shades, Shutters C- Cabinets D- Home decor, Accessories E- Bedding F- Fabric, Lining G- Carpet, Flooring H- Drapery hardware I- Sinks, Faucets, Toilets J- Floral K- Tableware L- Lighting M- Rugs N- Paint O- Software, Digital tools P- Pillows R- Drapery, Shades, Top Treatments S- Tools, Supplies T- Trims U- Furniture W- Wallpaper Z- Misc. |
What wholesale discounts do we offer? |